New Music Monday: “Remember Their Names”

"Remember Their Name" is a fitting New Music Monday song for today as we always remember the names of the fallen. Written by Christopher Cunningham and Kelli Johnson during our "Troopers Assisting Troops" retreat in 2022.

Give it a listen below or download it on Bandcamp.

Photo credit unknown.

Twenty-two years ago today, everything changed. Our life of safety and security was rocked as we watched two planes crash into the twin towers. When we later heard the report of a plane crashing into the pentagon, and a fourth, United Airlines flight 93, that crashed into a field in Somerset County, PA, many Americans were scared and confused.

I remember being in Drill Sergeant School, watching the planes hit, wondering if this wasn’t just a movie, similar to the War of Worlds scare in 1938. However, when the dust settled, and this tragedy became a reality, we mourned the loss of 2,977 victims. Life is busy for all of us, but especially on THIS day, never, ever, forget those we lost, and remember their names.

- Mike Byer, Executive Director, Operation Song


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